Aims and Origins
Results of Sampling
Progress on Bathing Water
Volunteers and Officers

Aims and Origins

We want a River Nidd that is clean and safe for humans to enjoy, whether that be swimming at the Lido in Knaresborough, paddling with your kids or grandchildren with a net catching tiddlers in Pateley Bridge, peering under rocks and seeing the bugs that live there, doing a spot of wild swimming to improve your Physical and Mental Health.

And we just want to be able to have a day out, in beautiful Nidderdale, with the Family, take a picnic, find a nice spot to sit and not have to worry about a trip to A&E with stomach cramps and diarrhoea if someone gets river water in their mouth.

It all started when fly-fishermen on the Nidd noticed a deterioration in the water clarity and looked a little deeper into the likely causes. They were astounded to discover just how much sewage was being pumped into the river, both legally and illegally. They called together a meeting of other interested parties, including local councillors, politicians, concerned citizens and the Environment Agency, and asked Yorkshire Water to explain what they intended to do about cleaning up the Nidd.

We looked for ways we could influence improvement works being brought forward. It quickly became apparent that that to move up Yorkshire Water’s priority list we needed to change the status of the river, and gaining Bathing Water Status was the only way to do that.

‘Nidd Action Group’, was formed and local MP, Andrew Jones, volunteered to drive the Bathing Water bid forward.

Achieving Bathing Water Status in Knaresborough is only the first step. We need to continually put pressure on Yorkshire Water by highlighting the worst sewage discharges all along the Nidd, and we need a co-ordinated programme of water quality monitoring to do that.

Results of Sampling

Sampling locations

A full list of Sampling locations can be viewed here

Our two major samples the Nidd and its tributaries, in August and October 2023 consisted of taking water samples at 45 locations, numbered from upstream (location number 1 Scar House Reservoir) to downstream where the Nidd meets the Ouse (location 45 at Moor Monkton)

Graphical representation of the concentrations of E. coli and of nutrient chemistry and metals (all from analyses by independent registered laboratories) found in the Nidd and its tributaries are provided here for Ecoli and here for Ecology (Nitrates, Phosphates and Mercury

Selected graphs of key indicators are presented below with brief text descriptions for all locations in the river Nidd, and in the Nidd becks sampled

Any questions, or unclarities – please contact NAG

Main River Nidd

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Increased concentration of E.coli the further downstream the Nidd that you go.
Considerably above Safe Bathing Levels from below Killinghall STW downstream in both surveys.
Very high concentration in August (wet), particularly at Nidd Viaduct and downstream of Little Ribston

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Increased concentration of phosphate the further downstream the Nidd that you go. Above EA ‘Moderate’ standard from below Killinghall STW onwards in August (wet)
Manganese and Cadmium
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Both very high in the Upper Nidd especially, particularly at Wath bridge (Manganese), probably associated with historic mine workings, and below Darley STW (Cadmium in October (dry))
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Increased concentration of Aluminium in August (wet) the further downstream the Nidd that you go.
Strontium, Silicon, Sodium, Magnesium and Calcium
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Increased concentration of these metals the further downstream the Nidd that you go. Peaks at Nidd Viaduct and Little Ribston, probably associated with local natural concentrations
Electrical Conductivity
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Highest concentrations at Nidd Viaduct and from Little Ribston downstream

Nidd Becks

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Only 1 of the 6 samples from becks in the upper catchment had E.coli concentrations worse than sufficient, in August, but in the middle and lower catchment all 10 exceeded sufficient in August, and 7 of the 10 in October. Bilton Beck had by far the highest concentrations
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The 13 samples taken from the Nidd’s becks showed above moderate phosphate concentrations in all 10 sampling locations in the Middle and Lower Catchment. Values of between 0.18 and 0.47 were found in Ripley, Oak, Bilton and Crimple becks, with the highest in Hookstone, Ripley and Oak becks in August (wet)

Progress on Bathing Water

Designating a Safe Bathing Water place, such as the Lido, is an official way of recognizing that a waterway such as a river, beach or lake is a popular site for water-based activities.

Achieving this status would mean that each year from May to September, known as
the ‘bathing season’, the Environment Agency (EA) will test the site for pollutants. The EA publishes annual reports of all designated bathing waters and classifies them as "Excellent", "Good", "Sufficient" or "Poor". If any DWBS sites do not meet regulatory standards the EA will investigate and create a plan to tackle the sources of pollution.

It is relevant to note the current situation for our friends of the Ilkley Clean River Group (ICRG), who established the first Safe bathing Water location for a UK river a few years ago.

Their ‘safe’ bathing water location at Ilkley is classified as POOR by the EA
There has been a lot of investment by Yorkshire Water in building new sewage infrastructure
This has yet to deliver any benefits to the river’s water quality
There are concerns that the new infrastructure doesn’t tackle some aspects of the E. coli pollution identified by the ICRG in there extensive sampling (which we learnt a lot from)
The ICRG current concerns include the payment for this investment potentially coming from increased consumer payment, whereas many believe that consumers have already paid to have their rivers maintained to an acceptable standard.

So the fight for the Nidd is just beginning!

It looks like we might win round one (designation), but local citizens, and NAG members will need to remain vigilant, and active, to keep the pressure up to save our river for safe bathing, and to maintain an ecologically sound Nidd.'


From the initial meeting in August 2022, the meeting forming NAG took place in Knaresborough on October 5th 2022 (minutes here)
Organisers held a series of working meetings on the fifth at which a constitution was agreed and a NAG committee appointed

Nidd Action Group Committee Annual Report for 2023 can be viewed here

The Report from the NAG Public meeting 5th December 2023 can be viewed here

The AGM of Nidd Action Group took place at the NAG Public meeting and the present holders of the 3 officer posts and the committee members were re-elected.

Constitution of the Nidd Action Group

The name of this organization is the Nidd Action Group (NAG)
The aim of the Nidd Action Group is a cleaner Nidd – Fit for Life. NAG aims to improve the water quality of the river Nidd and its tributaries to a state as near natural as possible, for as much of the length of the river Nidd as is possible ASAP
The Nidd Action Group is united in working to improve the Nidd and its immediate environment, and is not politically aligned

The Nidd Action Group objectives are to:

  • Make rivers safe for all: Rivers should be safe for everyone - from invertebrates(which are a vital part of the food chain) to fish, birds, animals, and people.
  • Stop sewage pollution. End the illegal release of untreated sewage into the River Nidd
  • Raise the bar. Improve standards, so legally discharged waste of any sort doesn't harm the River Nidd
Membership shall be available to any individual (over the age of 18) who are committed to the aims and objectives of the Nidd Action Group
Individuals can become members by registering on the NAG website or by attending a NAG event and providing their contact details.
The Nidd Action Group shall not discriminate upon grounds of race, colour, age, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, sex, marital status, or disability. Membership may be terminated at any time if a majority of the Members present at the Members’ meeting, deems the actions or comments of a member to be inappropriate. Members may resign from NAG membership by contacting the Secretary
Members of the Nidd Action Group are entitled to:
a) Vote at any Members meetings
b) Attend events organized by the Nidd Action Group c) Receive information about the group’s activities
d) Take part in, and set up/form NAG working groups
There will be an Annual General Meeting of Members in October of every year. All members are entitled to have notice, attend, and speak at the AGM.
At the AGM Members will:
1. Elect the Chairperson, Treasurer, and Secretary
2. Elect the Group Committee
3. Receive the Annual Report of the Group Committee
4. Undertake any other business subject to 28 days’ notice in writing to the Secretary.

The Nidd Action Group has a small core membership. Six Members will form a Quorum for a General Meeting of NAG, including the AGM.
Every individual member, will be entitled to cast one vote. No proxy votes are allowed.
All decisions at a General Meeting of NAG shall be made by majority vote (apart from amendments to this Constitution to which paragraph headed “Constitution” below shall apply). In the event of a tie the Chair of the General Meeting shall have a casting vote. Members may call a special meeting of Nidd Action Group by written request to the Secretary signed by no less than 51% of the membership specifying the business to be transacted at that meeting and no other business shall be transacted at that meeting.
The Secretary will give at least 28 days’ notice of the meeting to the whole membership.
The Chair of a General Meeting shall be the Chairperson or if he/she is not in
attendance at a General Meeting such other member of the Group Committee that the Group Committee shall nominate.
The Group Committee may call a general meeting of Nidd Action Group by written notice to the whole membership, specifying the business to be transacted at that meeting. The Secretary will give at least 28 days’ notice of any such meeting.
Regular meetings and events are open to all members as are the NAG working groups.
Group Committee
The Group Committee of NAG shall consist of the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, and up to 4 other NAG Members and representatives of stakeholders.
The Group Committee shall be responsible for the general administration, management and control of the affairs and property of NAG
The Group Committee shall have the powers to co-opt any member of NAG to be a member of the Group Committee and to fill any casual vacancy.
The Committee shall have the power to appoint any advisors each year (for instance river quality and environmental experts and other local bodies.
Any 3 Members of the Group Committee including at least 2 Officers shall constitute a quorum.
Decisions at Group Committee meetings will be made by a majority vote.
The Group Committee will meet at least 4 times a year.
Group Powers
The Group Committee will have the powers to:
  • Manage projects and funds that meet the aims of NAG
  • Do other lawful things as necessary for the achievement of NAG objectives, subject to discussion at a members’ meeting.
Officers and their Duties
Nidd Action Group shall have the following three officers:
  • Chairperson: The Chairperson shall be the Chair at all Group Committee meetings and at the AGM. In the event of his or her absence the Group Committee Members present shall elect one of their number to preside as Chairperson
  • Secretary: The Secretary will be responsible for the preparation of agendas and for minute taking at Group Committee meetings and at the AGM, receiving motions and nominations for elections and amendments to this Constitution.
  • Treasurer: The Treasurer will audit the operation of the Nidd Action Group bank account. Once a year he or she will prepare a statement showing the revenues and expenses for the year to 30th April as well as the assets and liabilities to be presented to the auditors and subsequently at the AGM and circulated to all Members.
Election of Officers and Executive Committee
The election of Officers and other Members of the Group Committee will take place at the AGM.
Members standing for election as Officers or as other Group Committee Members must be proposed and seconded by two Members of NAG. Elections will be made by majority vote of the Members at the AGM.
An Officer’s term of office will run for a year following their election from the AGM in September.
A Member may stand for office as many times as they wish.
Banking/ Finance
Nidd Action Group shall hold all its monies in a bank account chosen by the
Group Committee.
The Chairperson and Treasurer will be the signatories and both signatures will be required for payments.
The funds belonging to NAG shall be applied only in furthering NAG objectives.
NAG shall have the power to raise subscriptions from individuals, families, and groups
and to receive money by way of donations, legacies and grants and other sources.
The NAG financial year shall run from 1st April to 31st March.
A motion for the winding up of NAG may be passed at an AGM by a majority of the
Members present, and voting by the passing of this motion shall be subject to
confirmation at a Special Meeting notified to all Members at least 7 days in advance, and convened for the purpose to be held not earlier than 14 and not later than 30 clear days thereafter by more than two thirds of those Members present and voting.
In that event any surplus funds will be donated to a charity or charities to be decided at
the Special Meeting.
Amendments to the Constitution
Any Member may propose amendments to this Constitution.
Alterations shall be made only upon recommendation of the Group Committee and shall
be approved by no less than two-thirds of voting members present at a General Meeting of NAG. At least 28 days’ notice of this meeting, setting out the proposed amendment to this Constitution, shall be given by the Secretary.
Interpretation and Matters Not Covered by The Constitution
Any question that may arise which is not provided for in the Constitution, or where the Constitution is not clear and requires interpretation, may be decided by the Group Committee. Any such decision shall be reported to the next AGM where it may be amended by the Membership.

Website: About Us -Nidd Action Group
NAG set up at a public meeting on October 3rd, 2022 at Knaresborough House. NAG constitution June 19th 2023

Volunteers and Officers

Who are we?

We are ordinary people, just like you. A diverse set of individuals and groups who care about our river, the Nidd and Tributaries, like Oak Beck and Darley Beck and want to see them properly managed and looked after.

There are wild swimmers in our group, walkers too, anglers, bird watchers, local representatives and lots of people who just think the current situation is unacceptable and like us are determined to see change.

Some of our supporters.....

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David Clayden:

Secretary of Harrogate Flyfishing club, based at Darley.
loves the natural river environment, wants to keep it in good shape
Is worried is about pollution and keen on monitoring the river Nidd’s water quality
Acts as Nidd Action Group Admin contact.

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Andrew Murday:

The North Yorkshire Councillor for Pateley Bridge and Nidderdale.
I have lived 200 yards from the banks of the River Nidd for the past 12 years.
I see the clean up of the river as a fundamental issue in the preservation of our natural environment.

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Charlotte Simons:

Senior Project Manager – Catchment Partnerships,  Dales to Vale Rivers Network – I enjoy walking along our rivers and taking in the landscape especially in Nidderdale.  I have worked in conservation all my life and am now working to bring people together to improve our rivers and the wildlife they support. 
 Photo courtesy of Friends of the Dales

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James Mckay:
Artist, writer and wild swimmer, a founder member of Long Lands Common community-owned woodland. Collaborates with scientists to reconstruct ancient animals and landscapes and future scenarios of climate change. Dedicated to helping protect and conserve the local ecosystem, including most importantly the river Nidd and its catchment.

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Peter Chambers

Keen angler, founding member of Nidd Action Group. Disgusted that the Government has let our rivers get into such a state. Sad that we as citizens have allowed it to occur. Positive change needs to happen.

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Monika Slater:

Councillor for Bilton Grange & New Park and Vice Chair of the Harrogate & Knaresborough Area Constituency Committee.  Interested in improving the quality of the water in Oak Beck and the River Nidd for the benefit of residents and the environment.

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Keith Wilkinson:

Honorary Secretary, Bilton Conservation Group and Chairman of the Nidd Gorge Advisory Group. Active in voluntary activities across Bilton and the Nidd Gorge. BCG will be testing and recording the water quality of the Oak Beck in 2023

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Maddy Wright:

MSc Student at the University of Leeds, focusing on water quality and pollution. I am helping to monitor water quality in the River Nidd. My sampling is focused on Knaresborough, assessing pollutant and bacterial variations and their potential sources to ensure a clean river for the community. 

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Paul Kay:

Paul Kay is Professor of Water Science at the University of Leeds. He works on river pollution and management of human activities to reduce this. He is on the NAG to actively try to improve river quality.

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Kathryn Davies
Mayor of Knaresborough 2022-23

‘as a long time resident on the riverside in Knaresborough I am very keen to see the ongoing sustainability of the huge range of wildlife that flourishes in the Nidd for the enjoyment of all.’

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Andrew Jones
Member of Parliament for Harrogate and Knaresborough. Working on the bathing water application for the River Nidd alongside Nidd Action Group to raise awareness about water quality.

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Stephen Culpin
Politics graduate who has been working as caseworker to Andrew Jones MP for over three years. Organising Andrew Jones and Nidd Action Group's bathing water application for the Knareborough Lido on the River Nidd. Keen to see water quality improvements in the River Nidd and across the country.

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Sarah Lonsdale

Sarah joined the YDRT in February 2024 as a project manager-river enhancement, and is your typical nature enthusiast with a knack for plant and bird identification.
After completing a Zoology BSc, Sarah continued at the University of Leeds to complete an MSc in Biodiversity and Conservation. After a year’s placement at the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust she worked at the North York Moors National Park Authority., where she managed and delivered a range of conservation and river restoration projects, including looking after the fascinating freshwater pearl mussels on the River Esk.

Sarah is now focusing her work on the Nidd and Swale catchments.

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Mandy Evans
I moved to Knaresborough 26 years ago, after living in Perthshire for 10 years. I love the Yorkshire Dales, and have volunteered river work since 2014. I am a Botanist/ Hydrologist, but have also worked in laboratories.I am interested in river catchments being approached as a whole system.I am concerned that recently we have a large increase in population, where a lot of new homes have been approved in areas that cannot sustain extra water treatment (due to old systems), resulting in a lot more untreated water runoff into River Nidd.

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Megan Golden

I'm a local Knaresborough resident, wild swimmer and passionate about the campaign for a cleaner, safer river.

Officers and Committee

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Chair: David Clayden

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Treasurer: Mandy Evans

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Secretary: James McKay

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Committee: Megan Godden

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We only collect personal data when that data is provided by a user of this website to request inclusion on our mailing list or to register as a volunteer. The only data collected is name, email address, and phone number. No data is shared with third parties. You have the right to have this data deleted at anytime by sending an email to the address on our contact page.